The Online Argument Structures Tool

TOAST API user guide

TOAST has a RESTful API, to allow you to use it in your own applications.

The base URL for the API is: The following methods are available:

POST /evaluate

Description: evaluates an argumentation theory, returning a JSON description

axiomsList of axioms
premisesList of premises
assumptionsList of assumptions
kbPrefsList of knowledge base preferences (note: cannot contain any axioms)
rulesList of rules
rulePrefsList of rule preferences
contrarinessList of contraries and contradictories
linkWeakest (default) or last link preference principle
semanticsGrounded (default), preferred or semi-stable
queryFormula to find an (un)acceptable argument for
transpositionTrue or false (default); whather or not to close the theory under transposition

Data can be posted either as key-value pairs (in which case all lists are delimited by semi-colons), or as a JSON object (in which case, all lists are JSON arrays). For instance, using cURL: curl -d "premises=p;q;&rules=[r1] p=>s;&contrariness=q^p;" Returns: {
         "A1: q"
      "A3: A2=>s",
      "A2: p",
      "A1: q"
Alternatively, posting JSON: curl -d
>'{"premises":["p","q"],"kbPrefs":["p<q"],"rules":["[r1] p=>s","[r2] q=>t"],"rulePrefs":["[r1]<[r2]"],"contrariness":["s-t"],"link":"weakest"}'
Returns: {
      "p < q"

      "[r1] < [r2]"

      "A1: p",
      "A2: q",
      "A4: A1=>s",
      "A3: A2=>t"

GET aifdb/<argument>

Description: evaluates the provided argument ID in AIFdb, returning a JSON description.